Red Blanket Miracle has partnered with the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Foundation to establish a trust fund. The Red Blanket Miracle Trust is dedicated to funding the improvement of trauma care services for both patients and families.
Red Blanket Miracle established the fund with a $20,000 donation in 2015 and subsequent donations in 2016, 2017 and 2018 of another $21,500. We have embarked on participating in two exciting projects. The first is providing funding towards research into the 'quality of life outcomes for burns survivors' and the second is the development of an 'ICU information portal/app' for ICU patients and their families. In 2017 RBM partnered with the RBWH Foundation to jointly fund $7,000 to purchase new orthopaedic shower chairs for the RBWH orthopaedic ward.
All donations to the trust of $2 or over are tax deductible. The trust fund is overseen and managed by the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Foundation.
To make a donation to the Red Blanket Miracle Trust you can do so by clicking on the Logo below. Please ensure when you are asked at the end of the donation form which campaign you are supporting that you choose the 'Red Blanket Miracle - Community' to ensure your donation finds its way to the right trust fund.
We thank you for any support you may be able to provide in helping people to overcome adversity.
The Miracle Ride documentary is now available to view and share online.